Bad egg?

Jul 24, 2015
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Ok, so disaster might be a bit strong, but I'm panicking!

I've just started baking cupcakes for a party tomorrow, went to get the box of eggs that I bought yesterday (best before 31st July), and at least 1 was cracked and had gone rotten.....only knew this when I went to take it out of the box and only got the top of the egg!

Needless to say, that one, and the others glued to the box with off egg white, have been binned. But there were still several uncracked eggs that I assumed would be ok. I didn't do the float test and used two in the first batch of cupcakes. I did wash the eggs before using them to make sure nothing nasty was on the shells.

I've gone to make batter for the second batch and one of the eggs, well the inside of the shell smelled ever so slightly odd. The second egg was the same. Maybe I'm just paranoid but I've binned the rest of the eggs and am getting hubby to bring more home with him!

My question is.....will the cupcakes I've already made be ok to eat? They were baked for 30 mins at 150c (not sure what that is in Fahrenheit!), so any nasties should be killed off....but I couldn't live with myself if I gave anyone food poisoning!

Going back to scrubbing my kitchen now.....
Jul 17, 2013
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Well, the worst that could happen is food poisoning, so if it was me I'd just throw them away. The other eggs weren't broken, but you said they smelled odd? If you think something smells odds, then it is very likely you were right. When this kind if things happen I always say it's better to be safe than sorry.
Apr 16, 2015
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I agree. As much of a hassle as it is to start over, I'd toss the ones that were in question, and start over. There's just not need to take a chance with someone's health, and you never know who would eat it. Some people have conditions already, and that could push them over the edge health-wise. I've never had eggs that have gone bad, especially if they weren't even expired. I'd call the store, and make sure they knew to check the eggs, and would give your husband free replacements.
Feb 4, 2015
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Is money an issue? If you ever have ANY questions as to whether something is bad? I just chuck it and get new ingredients. I've been food poisoned way too much in my short life here on this Earth, and if there's one thing I've been taught - if it smells funky, looks funky, or is questionable - don't DO it! It's not worth even the thought of potentially spending the next five days glued to a couch with bad stomach problems.
Mar 19, 2015
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If the eggs smelled odd do not use it anymore. Do not take chances and you have to take into consideration what will happen to the people who will eat this kind of junk food. When it comes to matters like this always have a keen mind when it comes to the safety of everybody's health.
Nov 19, 2014
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You should return those eggs to the store. Eggs should have a fairly long shelf life if they weren't dated sell by today. The store will want to know if there is a problem with their distributor because if your eggs are rotten before they are past date, something definitely went wrong somewhere before you got them.
Aug 1, 2015
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I think it would be better not to use the eggs that smell bad. They say better safe than sorry. You wouldn't want to be known as the lady who served bad cupcakes. Your effort would all go to waste. Also, return the eggs to the store. They should inform their supplier so they can be careful next time.

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