Hello all you sweet bakers! This is my first post. I have many burning questions and am so glad I found you all! My question today relates to a most divine cheesecake I have now made several times. I always get huge compliments on it but I am never satisfied with the crust. It is a Graham cracker crust of nothing more than grahams and butter. My recipe does not call for prebaking the crust. I have always processed the grahams down to very fine crumbs, added the melted butter, pressed into an even layer in the pan then poured in the lovely cheese mixture. The baked cheesecake filling is always delicious. But the crust seems mushy or soggy. Last time I added some pretzels with the grahams and bashed them with my rolling pin. Then I prebaked. Still soggy plus now tastes a little bit burnt. This could be a prize winning cheesecake if someone could give me some pointers on my crust.