Hello Baking Family

Jan 17, 2016
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Hi everyone,

I hope you'll allow me to join your family? Let me tell you a little about me. My name's Jim. I studied hospitality and catering at college many years ago and although I worked in all departments of the hotels I worked in, the kitchen was always my favourite. I didn't spend much time in the desert side of the kitchen as my boss always thought I was better suited to main courses. After leaving the catering industry I found myself in the building trade for a while, where I worked as a roofer and a telescopic forklift truck driver. Not much different to cooking!!!!! During that time my wife's disability's got worse and now I'm her full time carer and have been for a few years now.

I've decided it's time to go back to where it all started and take up baking. I made some mince pies at Christmas to see how I'd go and if the family liked them and they went down a treat. The kids were eating them faster then I could make them! So I've got no excuse, they wife and kids have already put orders in for cakes and cookies and I've bearly started!! They've treated me to lots of gadgets and goodies to help me, and I hope you guys can help with recipes and some of the more fiddly bits.

I also do a lot of 3D modelling and animation on my PC, similar sort of thing to what you see in movies and on the TV, which I also love to do. I've even managed to make a little money from it! I hoping that I'll be able to bring my artistic skills from this into cake decorating and make some fun cakes and cookies.

It feels a bit like I've gone full circle taking up baking, although I never really did much baking when I was in the catering industry, I am back in the kitchen.

Anyway, that's me in a nut shell. I look forward to chatting with you all, learning some new things and having fun.

Last edited:
Apr 13, 2015
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Welcome to the forum Jim - we're glad to have you!!

We often share recipes here that are tried and true ones that we love, or even things that are on our "need to bake" wishlists...so there's always something new and giving me inspiration! Hope that you'll find it the same! :)
Mar 19, 2015
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Hello @TheJimReaper and Welcome to Baking Forums! I will assure you that you will learn many things here when it comes to baking and feel free to share also your recipes and ideas and what you knew and we will be glad to hear from you! :)
Oct 31, 2014
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Welcome Jim. I enjoyed reading your introduction and look forward to learning a thing or two from you and sharing what little I know as I am still learning. Welcome again to the family.
Jul 17, 2013
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Welcome to the forum, jim. You are very welcome! I hope you find this forum useful and enjoy your stay here! We are a very friendly community and we always do our best to help other bakers out :)
Aug 18, 2015
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welcome Reaper,this is a good forum to learn how bake different stuff and I'm interested in making a mince pie ;) there is a thread somewhere on here for one lol

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