Oven thermostat not working

Feb 5, 2021
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Hi everyone,I bought an oven thermometer to check my oven is working properly as I keep burning everything I put in it,and to be honest it was knocking my confidence,I set the cooker at 160c with the thermometer in the oven facing the glass so I could see it and left it for 30 mins to hot up,and the red light on the oven cut out went off at the maximum the oven went up to 260c on the thermometer so my thermostat is well and truly keep it,which pleases me because I can now get it fixed and hopefully settle down and learn how to bake a Victoria sponge without burning it I also checked the second oven/grill and that is working fine,I’m so glad to have found a problem and it’s not all my fault my cakes are burning.
Jun 22, 2017
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Hi everyone,I bought an oven thermometer to check my oven is working properly as I keep burning everything I put in it,and to be honest it was knocking my confidence,I set the cooker at 160c with the thermometer in the oven facing the glass so I could see it and left it for 30 mins to hot up,and the red light on the oven cut out went off at the maximum the oven went up to 260c on the thermometer so my thermostat is well and truly keep it,which pleases me because I can now get it fixed and hopefully settle down and learn how to bake a Victoria sponge without burning it I also checked the second oven/grill and that is working fine,I’m so glad to have found a problem and it’s not all my fault my cakes are burning.

Wow! I knew something was not right when you posted the photos of your cake. After the oven is repaired, let us know. Well I’ll be ready to help you with that Victoria Sponge!!
Feb 5, 2021
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@Norcal baker 59

Thankyou,I’m looking foreword to it getting mended and starting my baking journey,and there’s no doubt I’ll be asking your advice at some point,I really appreciate your help thankyou
Jun 22, 2017
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@Norcal baker 59

Thankyou,I’m looking foreword to it getting mended and starting my baking journey,and there’s no doubt I’ll be asking your advice at some point,I really appreciate your help thankyou

Just remember to wipe down the I’ve been chamber. I’m really concerned about any toxic residue from the coating on the cake tins burning. Don’t want you to kill over from some rare forms of cancer lol.
Jun 22, 2017
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What’s the ive been chamber lol

Lol no worries.

The oven chamber refers to the interior of the oven.

We refer to the bottom of the oven as the oven floor, and the sides as the walls. Just like in the house.

Thatv heat is generated from an element.

The racks course are racks.

In the UK what you call a hob, we call a cooktop.

A freestanding oven with the cooktop built in we call it a range. I’m not sure what you call it in the UK.

I guess the term oven chamber dates back to the oven brand Chambers that was produced in 1920’s. It was a patented stand alone insulated oven. It was a beautifully designed oven range with auto shut off if the pilot light went out. It had basket drop style racks, child protective lock on the door, And the insulation on these ovens were amazing. And the porcelain finish had an unheard of 25 year warranty and the stylish knobs really made for a very high in looking kitchen in the day. People still collect, refurbish and use them. A friend of mine has an original that’s never been refurbished. It’s been in his kitchen since his parents built their house. I’ve cooked on it. It’s an amazing oven.
Feb 12, 2020
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@Stephen Booth Excited to see your bakes when you get your oven fixed! 100°C over is insane, I wonder how an oven thermostat even gets that busted.
Feb 5, 2021
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Ive only had the oven 5 months and I’ve never been happy with the oven,for the average bloke I consider myself to be quite a decent cook,I bought the cooker second hand,the thermostat must have been like this the whole time I’ve had it because even cooking the basics has been hard to say the least,but hey ho problem will soon be solved

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