Shepherd's Pie

Sep 2, 2016
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My nephews and nieces would always bug us to prepare Shepherd's Pie whenever they get bored with sandwiches or breads. We found a simple recipe with ingredients that we can prepare from what we can find in the fridge anytime. This recipe is good for 4 servings and ready in 55 minutes:


½ kilo ground beef
5 large potatoes
¼ cup milk
½ cup butter
1 tbsp dried oregano leaves
3 cups mushroom tomato sauce
2 large onions (finely chopped)
2 tbsp oil
salt and pepper

1. Boil potatoes then mash it with milk and butter. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.
2. Sauté onions in a frying pan. Add ground and season with oregano, salt, and pepper. Cook until almost done.
3. Pour in mushroom tomato sauce and simmer for 15 minutes.
4. Spread the ground beef mixture in an even layer on a casserole dish and top with mashed potatoes.
5. Preheat oven and bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes.

You can add chopped carrots, chopped celery, and/or shredded Cheddar Cheese if you like.
Apr 16, 2015
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That sounds delicious. I haven't made a shepherd's pie in quite a while. I just had mashed potatoes, so will hold off for now, but this has me thinking about a cheeseburger pie, which I also haven't made in a long time. I have some ground beef in the freezer, so maybe I'll bake one of those next week. I definitely add cheese to both shepherd's pie and also of course the cheeseburger pie :p.
Aug 23, 2016
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It definitely has to be something really delicious. I will copy this down and try it out as soon as I get the ingredients. However, I may modify the whole recipe and adapt it to what I find since some of those ingredients may not be found in my city. Thank you anyway.
Apr 13, 2015
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This was a staple in my household growing up but it's been years since I've made it, I quite enjoy it and I think my daughter would too, so I'm surprised that I haven't really made it all that often!
Jul 24, 2016
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This reminds me of the Jesus Bread that I saw on a documentary show on local tv the other day. I was not able to get the entire picture but when I changed to that channel, the moderator was making a dough under the supervision of a guy who looks like an Israeli (the place is Israel). It is called Jesus Bread because it has the same recipe as in the time of Jesus. The dough is wiped with olive oil using a paint brush and the sprinkled with rock salt before placing in the traditional oven. The moderator (who is a Filipino) said that the Jesus bread that he baked is the best bread he had tasted and not needing a spread anymore for it is so tasty eaten as it is.

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