Sourdough Starter 'thickness'

Jul 31, 2020
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I have recently created myself a starter. I used organic rye flour, and was very sucessful developing a responsive starter quite quickly. However my starter is very thick in consistency, and it feels like this is preventing the starter from growing in height as much as would be expected. I fed with the rye flour in the first week, but have since transitioned to using strong white bread flour. However, because the feeding is 1:1, in terms of flour to water, the resultant consistency remains the same. Is this an issue (the stiffness of my starter), what solutions would you advise, can i simply add more water than flour at the next and/or subsequent feeds, and would that resolve my problem with my 'wallpaper paste' starter!

So far my loaves have certainly risen, but at all stages my dough and resultant bread is stiffer, less risen than might be expected!
Jan 27, 2023
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The stiffness of your starter is likely due to the high amount of rye flour you used in the initial creation. Rye flour is naturally higher in the proteins and starches that feed the yeast in a starter, hence the quick response. However, this also means that your starter is denser than one made with white bread flour. The solution is to begin adding more water to your feedings. Start by increasing the amount of water by 10-20% and see if that helps. You can also add a bit more white bread flour as well to help lighten up the consistency. Over time, your starter should become more active and less dense.
Jan 12, 2020
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I have recently created myself a starter. I used organic rye flour, and was very sucessful developing a responsive starter quite quickly. However my starter is very thick in consistency, and it feels like this is preventing the starter from growing in height as much as would be expected. I fed with the rye flour in the first week, but have since transitioned to using strong white bread flour. However, because the feeding is 1:1, in terms of flour to water, the resultant consistency remains the same. Is this an issue (the stiffness of my starter), what solutions would you advise, can i simply add more water than flour at the next and/or subsequent feeds, and would that resolve my problem with my 'wallpaper paste' starter!

So far my loaves have certainly risen, but at all stages my dough and resultant bread is stiffer, less risen than might be expected!
Follow your instincts, just add water until you get something more sloppy.

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