Stale Bread

Oct 11, 2013
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Whether you bake your own bread or buy it at the nearby bakery, many times we end up with bread pieces that dry fast leaving us with a hard bread that is hard to revive.

I don't know why but bread that you buy at Walmart, particularly, tends to become stale bread just few hours later! Or at least happening with bread from my closer store

The fact is that I have been researching on how to use stale bread that is hard but still edible.

From transforming it into breadcrumbs coat a cheesecake or top cup cakes or macaroni to using it in recipes such as gazpacho and puddings, I found several recipes.

So that, I thought to start this thread to share how to use stale bread, revive it to make it fresh again, or exchange favorite recipes if you wouldn't mind.

What do you think about this idea' Do you want to start sharing your tips and recipes?
Aug 31, 2013
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I like to use stale bread to make breakfast casseroles. I cut the bead in to small cubes and then place in a deep baking dish. I combine eggs ,green onions and milk then blend well. Next I pour the egg mixture over the bread and allow it to soak for at leas 2 hours, but overnight is best, if you have the time. Next I take crumbled bacon and shredded cheese and sprinkle over the top of the bread and egg mixture. I cover with foil and bake.
Oct 11, 2013
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Yum, yum, never thought myself to use it for a casserole recipe, and for breakfast your recipe sounds tasty and use the prepare.

Not tested yet, but have to try it next time, and I will certainly allow bread soaks into the egg mixture overnight. I think that it's worth allow extra marinating time to favor the taste of any dish.

Thanks for the share, I'm adding this recipe to my digital cooking recipe book in the stale bread category that just added when starting this thread :)
Sep 18, 2013
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I use stale bread for a lot of things. Sometimes I make bread crumbs out of it to use in meatloaf and other recipes. I also use it to make stuffing when I want to bake a whole chicken. I have recently experimented with making homemade croutons out of it. I just cut it into pieces and cover it with melted butter and whatever spices I feel like using. Then I spread the pieces on a cookie sheet and bake them in the oven until they're dry and crunchy!
Oct 19, 2013
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I like to use stale bread to make breakfast casseroles. I cut the bead in to small cubes and then place in a deep baking dish. I combine eggs ,green onions and milk then blend well. Next I pour the egg mixture over the bread and allow it to soak for at leas 2 hours, but overnight is best, if you have the time. Next I take crumbled bacon and shredded cheese and sprinkle over the top of the bread and egg mixture. I cover with foil and bake.

Oh wow! What a great idea! I've been on a casserole kick lately. I have the same problem with stale bread. I'd really rather not have to throw it out, so this is a great solution.

I've also heard of people cubing stale bread and using it to make croutons. I've not tried this myself, but it sounds like a good idea.
Oct 11, 2013
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Yes, dreamseer idea sounds like a great one, specially keeping in mind that sometimes croutons are truly expensive.

At least at my nearby stores croutons are imported food, and price tag is sometimes prohibitive, particularly for those who come with fine herbs or exotic spices,

I will try to make my own from now onward :)
Sep 3, 2013
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I use it for breadcrumbs, bread pudding, stuffing and if it is just for me, I just throw a hunk into my soups and stews and enjoy eating it with my spoon. If you buy the french or italian loaves, you can cut them lengthwise, mix up a butter/margarine, crushed garlick and parsley mixture and slather it on the bread. You can either freeze it (with the butter mixture) or bake it on the spot. It's amazing as garlic bread now...or when you freeze it and pull it out, and bake it you will never know it was stale in the least!

I also agree that casserole idea is one to try

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