Am I the onle one who doesn't let kids play in the kitchen?

May 17, 2014
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I don't like to see them around when I'm cooking or making cakes because it's too dangerous for them to be around all the kitchen devices. I prefer them to play somewhere else and not to make mess in my kitchen.
Apr 30, 2014
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I wouldn't let them play with toys in the kitchen, as they would definitely get in the way, but I would let them watch and help out if they wanted to. That doesn't count as play, right?
May 17, 2014
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I grew up in a home bakery and I learned everything I know about baking from being there. My mom was the main baker and she let me know from an early age what was safe and acceptable in the kitchen and what would get me booted out of the room.

How many 9 year old boys have you known that could make perfect frosting flowers to top wedding cakes? I knew one.


I'm ok with kids being in the kitchen as long as they're not underfoot and they're willing to learn.
Apr 26, 2014
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I would let my kids help out with the cooking, but no, if I'm cooking in there, they have to stay out of my way if they just want to play (I don't have kids, but I frequently babysit my cousins).
May 22, 2014
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I don't like my kids playing under my feet when I'm trying to cook. My toddler tends to trip me more often than not by holding onto my legs or scattering toys for me to stumble over. We don't have a very big kitchen anyway and I always worry he is going to run up behind me when I have the oven open or something. He's so used to hearing me say "Okay, get back." or "Back up." when I'm getting in to the oven that he sometimes gets an oven mit, puts it on his hand and pats the oven door with it saying "Hot. Get back, get back!" :p
Aug 11, 2013
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Play? No, you're not. Most kitchens are too small to be safe for play and hot surfaces :)

But helping/learning is a different matter. I think its vital for kids to learn with adults, it gives them confidence as well as skills. Even if they forget how to do the specifics later on in life they will remember that learning new things is just a matter of going for it (the hardest part for most people is getting started).
May 24, 2014
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Letting children play in the kitchen is a definite "no" for me! There are many hazards in the kitchen. It is not only dangerous for them to be playing in the kitchen, but for you as well! Although, I may consider letting my child play with some plastic bowls and wooden spoons, the kitchen area is definitely off limits for them. But zlemune is right, to have them help you out while cooking in the kitchen is great! Depending on the age, I would definitely keep an eye on them at all times while they're handling things. Make sure to keep things sanitary!
May 29, 2014
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I've already mentioned that I do not like anyone in the kitchen with me! However, if I am making cookies or a treat like rice crispies, I'll allow my nephews to help out with placing them on the cookie sheet.
May 28, 2014
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My daughter is allowed to try and assist me. I live with my parents and their kitchen and dinning room are combined and kind of big. So I will let her sit at the table and color or if she wants to be on the floor and out of my way, that is okay. But she doesn't actually play when I am in there.
May 2, 2013
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When my daughter was younger, we lived in a small apartment and there wasn't enough room for to people to hang out in the kitchen. The kitchen sink was 4 inches away from the hot stove and two people couldn't stand in there without touching. Now that she's older and we have a bigger kitchen, I do teach her things and let her help.
Aug 31, 2013
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If you don't want them to "play" in your kitchen why not take the opportunity to involve them. This could be a chance to teach them not only how to cook, but to clean as the go along. You can give them simple task and keep them busy , this with allow less tiem to make a mess.
Nov 10, 2014
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Kitchen is not a playpen and should be off limit for kids. I know it would be a good idea having them around so they will be introduce into cooking or getting them to interest at least, however, most of the equipment if not all, is just way too dangerous for children let alone it can hurt adults too. So it's best to leave them in the playpen where they do best at the moment, perhaps when they get older.
Sep 28, 2013
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I am your polar opposite apparently =). I love seeing kids in the kitchen and try to encourage them as early and as often as possible. However, there are certain times where I ban them from the kitchen temporarily- either when I'm making a very big holiday/event meal and I'm stressed and don't want to be watching over little hands, or if they're being especially rowdy/more interested in playing/not listening. I love having them in the kitchen but safety comes first and certain days it just does not work.

Overall though, if you start young and age appropriately, you can have kids in the kitchen and be completely safe. Safety is something my son grew up learning, and was almost always very respectful of. Now at 10, he's able to do a lot of things in the kitchen that I wasn't able to do until adulthood, and is very familiar with kitchen/food safety. He's also very comfortable and confident in the kitchen because he grew up with it.
Oct 19, 2013
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I don't blame you. One, it can be really nerve wrecking with all the opportunities for them to hurt themselves but it can also be kind of irritating and I love children lol. I guess it depends. I love doing all the prep work with kids (mixing, measuring, etc) but once it's baking time they need to skiddaddle! Then they can come back when everything has cooled!
Oct 31, 2014
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I would love my 23yr old "kid" to play in the kitchen. He might learn a few things:). He won't find reading this very funny. "Playing" in the kitchen would be a no no for me. Helping out in the kitchen draws a big "YES".

The kitchen can be a pretty dangerous place if you are not careful. I say supervise and assign tasks depending on the age. I favor keeping them at a safe distance to observe if they are not contributing.

I think I kept my son too far away.
Sep 25, 2014
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LOL Winterybella, I love your post.

I agree with not letting kids play in the kitchen, but yeah, helping in the kitchen is different. I always encouraged my kids to learn/help. Some of them it didn't really take (I hear ya, Bella lol). Some of them love to cook and do it pretty well.

I thought holiday baking with my kids was fun. I did most of the actual baking when they were little, but they had fun decorating.
Oct 31, 2014
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LOL Winterybella, I love your post.

I agree with not letting kids play in the kitchen, but yeah, helping in the kitchen is different. I always encouraged my kids to learn/help. Some of them it didn't really take (I hear ya, Bella lol). Some of them love to cook and do it pretty well.

I thought holiday baking with my kids was fun. I did most of the actual baking when they were little, but they had fun decorating.

I honestly don'r know what to do to get my "kid" interested in helping out in the kitchen. Maybe If I can have "Sons of Anarchy" final series showing through the glass of the oven door I might get him on board. :rolleyes:

Back to the issue on hand. Helping out should be encouraged.
Jul 12, 2014
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I don't have kids, but I would imagine that I wouldn't let them play and run around in the kitchen while I'm cooking/baking either. It's how I was raised and I honestly knew better than to run around the kitchen with my sister whenever someone was baking/cooking (if I still did it I would definitely get a slap to the butt!).

I would understand if they're a little older and can understand instructions and help out, but if they're too young it's just not going to happen. And maybe this is my non-maternal-instincts talking, but baking and cooking in the kitchen is kinda my...sanctuary if you will. It's my place to kinda get away and bury myself in the goods I'm about to make, and having it be too loud/busy/messy/rowdy in there would just drive me up the wall.
Nov 16, 2014
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I find if I'm only baking in the kitchen, it's ok to have kids in the kitchen. If I'm cooking, it's an off limit zone to everyone.
Sep 14, 2013
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I let my child bake with me from time to time. However, I did feel like this and still feel like this the kitchen is a dangerous place for my baby. But at the same time, I use to help my mom in the kitchen and I want the same experience. SO I'm easing away from kitchen fear and beginning to let her help with baking here or there.

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