Don't 'box me for using the box

Mar 8, 2014
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My children are not too keen on carrot cake either because of the walnuts but dh and I love the nutty texture and I refuse to bake without them. They don't miss out though my dd baked choc chip muffins twice last week so they are getting their treats.
Aug 31, 2013
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I have never used a box mix, I never tried one either I prefer to bake from scratch. If I was lazy I would rather buy a ready made bake from bakery rather than the box mixes. I am not putting anyone down that uses them either it's just not my thing.:)

SO are you calling everyone who uses a cake mix lazy? If you never tried one how can you know that they are not you thing you can't knock what you have not tried. :)
Mar 8, 2014
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I wasn't suggesting people using boxed mixes are lazy I meant if I was lazy myself to bake (however that may be from a boxed mix or from scratch) I would prefer to buy ready made bake from the bakery.
I still stand my ground and will always bake from scratch, I do this with cookibg, if I cook a new recipe I want the authentic version. I am a perfectionist in many aspects of my life so it's hardly surprising I am like this in my kitchen too. Enjoy you boxed mixes people I have no problem with it whatsoever, the OP asked and I replied, no offence to anyone please.
Jul 17, 2013
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:( My son did not even taste the cake. I am so so so disappointed. He says he'll never eat carrot cake. I know he's a chocolate cake person, but I thought I'd try something different and I had picked up the box cake a good while ago. I figured now I am here talking cakes and all, it would be a good time to "whip it up".

Anyway I am not letting him get me down. I brought a few slices for a youngster who helps me out in the store sometimes and he made it his business to come back and tell me how good it was. He's a little crazy but his taste buds work well:). Between him and my husband, it will be gone by the end of today. I am trying not to eat much as I am borderline diabetic and a little heavier than I would like.

Oh no!!!!!! You are borderline diabetic? Let me guess, insulin resistance? I have the very same thing! It makes baking kinda hard, because sometimes when you at one of your creations you might not feel very sure, hehehe!

As for your son, that's a pity! But glad to hear that guy who help you and your husband are working on it ;) Talking about baking, I got a pie in the fridge I made last night ;) By the way, don't worry about your son, he might be more prone to try new things once he gets older.
Oct 31, 2014
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Trellum, "Hehehe" so makes me smile. If you keep making me laugh like this no diabetes is going to come near to me.:) My helper just came by talking about the cake and asking if I had anymore. Today I brought another two slices to work for my unofficial son and he loved it. So there you go. I am on top of the world son or no son.

This weekend I am going at it again. Maybe two this time. Chocolate and some other mix. Who knows I might actually do something from scratch. Wouldn't that be a" treat "?
Aug 22, 2017
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All of my cakes are boxed and i'm not ashamed! Just picked up 40 boxes from Smart & Final last week cuz they were 89 cents!

I tried a couple of scratch recipes and was sorely disappointed. I say it over and over, "Cooking is art; baking is science!" and lab coats don't look good on me... Boxes never disappoint and are so easy to modify/personalize. Even when i didn't do anything in particular with them, folks would ask how i made it so much better than they did. i have no idea folks, maybe it's the love...

Now, does anyone know what i can do with the huge box of dry milk on my counter? i can't stand the stuff, but all of the recipes i looked at used it (i was trying to make a good ready to use mix).

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