Sweet, Dense Breads?

Aug 14, 2013
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Hi! I love eating sweet, dense breads for breakfast with my coffee in the morning. My current favorite is an oatmeal molasses bread, but I'm always on the lookout for more. Does anyone have any recipes? It doesn't necessarily have to be sweet, just dense and filling. Bread is all I can keep down in the mornings, but I'm looking to change it up.

Aug 9, 2013
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Oh, it makes me sad to hear that you are having trouble keeping food down! :( My daughter has a chronic illness so we've had to deal with chronic nausea on a 24/7 basis! :(

Your molasses bread sounds really yummy! Would you mind sharing the recipe? I know this doesn't answer your question about new recipes. But I'm hoping you don't mind sharing?! :)

Is the molasses like a coffee cake? Thanks! :)
Aug 14, 2013
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Oh don't worry about it! Its just in the morning times so its not that bad. I'm sorry about your daughter though! I thought I had it bad just having trouble in the mornings.

I don't mind at all! Its not my recipe though, I got it off the internet. I had some of the bread at a restaurant and asked what it was. They told me it was oatmeal molasses and then I had to go home and find a recipe. This was the closest one to theirs.
Heres the link; https://www.google.com/search?q=all...a:en-US:official&sa=X&spell=1&ved=0CDUQvwUoAA

Its sorta like a coffee cake! Coffee cake is a bit more sugary though, with the crumble on top and all.
Aug 9, 2013
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Well, even if you are just feeling nauseous in the mornings it still is no fun!! :( It can seem like your life revolves around how you feel! Well, I guess it probably does!

Thanks for the link! It looks yummy! I've always like the deep, rich flavor molasses adds to food! And, it sounds like a good fall recipe. Don't want to heat up the house in the summer any more than necessary!! We don't have air conditioning in the house. We usually don't have many days above 90 - but more this summer! So, I try to limit how much I use the oven! I actually look forward to the fall and winter when I don't have to worry about that!!

I drink coffee every morning - so maybe when I make it I can eat it with my coffee!! Molasses usually makes things denser too. Do you think that is the case with this bread?
Thanks!!! :)

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