How to Promote a Home Baking Business on Social Media

May 29, 2018
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So I started baking around 2 months back, professionally. Am a home Baker, so there are a handful of people who ask for stuff and I bake to order. But that's inconsistent. I want to take a step further and ensure a more consistent order inflow. I have started social media, FB and Instagram to be specific. But it does not seem like working out. What can I do?
Jun 22, 2017
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So I started baking around 2 months back, professionally. Am a home Baker, so there are a handful of people who ask for stuff and I bake to order. But that's inconsistent. I want to take a step further and ensure a more consistent order inflow. I have started social media, FB and Instagram to be specific. But it does not seem like working out. What can I do?

welcome to the forum. It really depends on where you live. In the US, nearly every state regulates sell of food made in a home kitchen. Most states prohibit internet and mail order sales of home produced food for food safety reasons. Some will allow orders to be made via internet, but delivery must be face to face. So internet sales isn't really an option in the US.

In the US, event cake bakers network with the bridal industry. They take free samples and business cards to vendors, like bridal dress stores and floral shops. Those not focused on event cakes usually sell through farmer's markets and festivals.

Understanding how social media works for the small home based baking or food industry might help. Its not necessarily a direct conduit for direct sales. Rather, its a form of free advertisement. I don't sell as I do not want the to deal with the strict cottage food regulations in my county. Yet, I am routinely approached by potential customers. And its due to social media. Yet, other than this forum, I don't do really do social media. The inquiries for purchases are a result of my family and friends posting pics of my baked goods. So get your family and friends to post pics of everything you bake.

One of my siblings is just getting started in a food import business. I've been involved with him on the business administrative side, and will eventually get into marketing for him. His products are still in the development stages, so not yet available for sale. Yet everyone in our circle is aware of his products. Since day one, he posted information about his business online. Everything that gets developed, whether its a product label, or progress on product development, or just pics of his business process, he posts. He now has a list of people at the ready to buy when his product is ready for distribution.

Building a business takes time. You need a plan. then work the plan.
May 29, 2018
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Thanks a ton for replying to this. I live in India, and a lot of people operate on close friend network or because they know me through some distant contact. Social media so far, has been helpful in spreading the word.

But I agree, I almost just started. Events help a lot here too. Let's see...I will figure something out I guess!
May 30, 2018
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Hi Munmum,

Good for your for starting your own business!

That being said, it's a long road to organically develop a following. A great place to start is with the social media of your friends and family. The more of them you can have sharing your content the better. Even that has it's limits though...

There is a tip from Gary Vaynerchuk that I think is a way to get a big boost in views/likes. It has specifically to do with Instagram.

Go to the search function and search for posters in your location. There will be people who have recently tagged your location and posted an image. You can then click on their page and see how many followers they have. Find the one with the most followers and private message them asking if they like baked goods/ your products; offer to give them those goods for free in exchange for a post on their profile. This way you are leveraging their followers for your benefit. This is all assuming you have a great product.

It will take a lot of work and messaging but even if you could get 1 in 50 people to do that for you it would give you much more exposure and potential customers.

Have a good one!
Jun 22, 2017
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Thanks a ton for replying to this. I live in India, and a lot of people operate on close friend network or because they know me through some distant contact. Social media so far, has been helpful in spreading the word.

But I agree, I almost just started. Events help a lot here too. Let's see...I will figure something out I guess!

It will happen. It’s work for sure.
Jan 31, 2018
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Are there schools nearby you can work with? Maybe offer a fundraiser if they do them there? Are there local Facebook groups that you can join and show off your work?
Jan 27, 2022
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Hey @Munmum, :)

If you need to grow your business, you need to start doing the following things:

1) Create your e-commerce website
2) Blogging
3) Google My Business Page
4) Create a Facebook and Instagram page, engagement
5) Advertisements

Let me explain in detail :cool::

1) Create your e-commerce website

You can create your e-commerce website on WordPress or Shopify platform,

For the WordPress platform, you need to buy a domain name and Webhosting on a yearly basis
A domain name is a unique IP/name on the internet that can your target customer search for your brand name.
A Webhosting means a small hard disk space in which your website is stored.

You can buy a domain name and web hosting for Godaddy or Bluehost, services of both are excellent.
After you buy a domain name and web hosting you will get a control panel login detail -> after login you can install the WordPress
->completations installation the WordPress you can log in -> install the Woocommerce plugins (for e-commerce) ->
Now you can add multiple products with price.
Note: Upload high-quality images)
(If you still don't understand don't worry I already attached the PDF guide)

The Shopify Platform is very simple and easy to use. Only you need to pay monthly fees.
It has already many goods apps, you need to install apps. My recommendation is "Store Pickup + Delivery by Zapiet".

For Payment Gateway, you can use Paypal or Stipe integration.

( I know it sounds more difficult and technical but I tried as short as possible! :) )

2) Blogging

Blogging is the best method to get more visibility to your local clients. Google likes fresh and unique content. So if you update the unique post about your new order, events, or news Google starts ranking your e-commerce website, and result you will get tons of new clients.

3) Google My Business (GMB)
Do you 4 out of 5 people online searching for local intend only. If you do not have Google My Business Account then you are losing 80% of your customers.
Make Google My Business profile for your business...
Update regularly photos of your products or new orders, clients photos...
Ask for good reviews from clients...
These strategies will help you boost your GMB page and rank #1.

4) Create a Facebook and Instagram page, engagement
Don't ignore the power of social media platforms Facebook and especially Instagram.
Create the Facebook and Instagram pages...
On Facebook, your will cover most of elder traffic while Instagram helps you to cover mostly young traffic...
Post regularly new order photos or events...Keep engaging your audience...
Use popular community hashtags, Geographics/location hashtags, don't forget to use your brand hashtags for every post...
Don't use hashtags on Facebook it never works as per my expertise...

5) Advertisements
For getting more clients and sales you can start advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and Google My Business.

PRO Exploding Marketing Tips: :cool:
During making an order, post every photo after a certain interval on Instagram and tell your customer to check his/her order on Instagram and follow the page. It will create more engagement with your followers and increase more visibility.
Don't forget to share the link of GMB or Yelp for review.

If you have any queries, you can ask me. I am happy to help you. :)


  • Free Guide to setup ecommerce website .pdf
    568.7 KB · Views: 57
Nov 9, 2023
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Highly recommend creating your ecommerce website with a platform like Hotplate. Shopify/wordpress requires too much technical skill to set up and they're not designed for small food businesses. Hotplate gives you all the features you will need (website, ordering system, SMS reminders, prep list, easily customizable menus) and only takes 10 minutes to set up. All bakers from big to small I see use Hotplate.
Jan 12, 2020
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nothing brings in 10K new customers like publicity, its free.
20 yrs in business and I never spent a dime on advertising.

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