Thankyou for the kind words joking apart,I’ve just ordered some new 20 cm round tins as all the recipes in this Mary Berry book I’ve got are predominately based on that size,the tins I have are huge,no good for a single person I’d waste to Much or end up giving most away ,I’ve ordered an electric food mixer,and a new set of wooden spoons too,I have the rest I think if I dig deep enough,I’ve always loved cooking but I’ve never baked,until I learned how to make a reasonable loaf of bread that is,it was terrible at first but about 20 bags of flour later and working my oven temperature out I got there,so I’m looking foreword to my equipment to come and I’m going to attempt a basic Victoria sponge first,I’ll stick with that until It’s good enough to offer someone a peice lol,thankyou for the reply it was very kind