My donuts shrink when I cut them

Feb 12, 2024
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Hi guys I need some advice. I have been making a donut recipe that is so fluffy and delicious, but I’ve been having some trouble while cutting them.
I’ve been using this recipe:
280 gr of All Purpose Flour
- 40 gr Sugar
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1 egg
- 120 gr Whole Milk ( 1/2 cup ) ( Every flour absorbs liquids differently, so you may need an extra 2-3 tbsp of milk)
- 40 gr melted Butter
- 7 gr Dry Yeast

I combine all the ingredients,( first the dry then the wet ) I knead the dough for about 5-7m and let it rest in the microwave or the oven (I don’t turn the oven or microwave on!!!) for about 2h or when I see that the dough doubled its size. After resting I flip the dough on a floured countertop and I press down the dough (gently) and I roll the dough (the dough always starts to shrinks when I’m rolling the dough too) so I cut cut up mini donuts using a cookie cutter, as soon as I press the cookie cutter on my dough it immediately starts to shrink, like it shrinks a lot. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and I would like some advice please.
Jun 22, 2017
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Shrinking in rolling and/or cutting is the telltale sign of too much gluten development in your dough.

Either your flour is too strong and/or you are overworking the dough in mixing and/or rolling, causing too much gluten to develop. Resting the dough will not reduce the amount of gluten development already created in it, but it may allow some of it to relax to complete the process.

The rule in dough handling is the second the dough shrinks back in handling, stop whatever process you are working on and let the dough rest for about 30 mins.

Ideally, dough should not be overmixed/kneaded to prevent over-gluten development.
Jan 12, 2020
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Hi guys I need some advice. I have been making a donut recipe that is so fluffy and delicious, but I’ve been having some trouble while cutting them.
I’ve been using this recipe:
280 gr of All Purpose Flour
- 40 gr Sugar
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1 egg
- 120 gr Whole Milk ( 1/2 cup ) ( Every flour absorbs liquids differently, so you may need an extra 2-3 tbsp of milk)
- 40 gr melted Butter
- 7 gr Dry Yeast

I combine all the ingredients,( first the dry then the wet ) I knead the dough for about 5-7m and let it rest in the microwave or the oven (I don’t turn the oven or microwave on!!!) for about 2h or when I see that the dough doubled its size. After resting I flip the dough on a floured countertop and I press down the dough (gently) and I roll the dough (the dough always starts to shrinks when I’m rolling the dough too) so I cut cut up mini donuts using a cookie cutter, as soon as I press the cookie cutter on my dough it immediately starts to shrink, like it shrinks a lot. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and I would like some advice please.
if you use water and milk powder, it will help... a lot.

After all the ingredients are in, mix it for 2 or 3 minutes. All you are looking for is a smooth dough.

Don't "roll" the dough back and forth, use the pin to roll out from the center in a one way motion.
After its rolled to the dimension desired leave it for a minute, then roll again slightly larger and flaff some air under it, it will shrink back to the size you want. When you cut it the dough will not shrink.

You're cutting it whilst its still under tension.
If it shrinks when cut just wait 30 seconds, you will see it makes a difference.
Jan 10, 2024
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Its a common issue but try this, when you're kneading the dough, make sure you're giving it enough time to develop gluten. This is what gives your donuts structure and helps prevent them from shrinking excessively when cut. Aim for a smooth, elastic dough after kneading.
Sep 26, 2023
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Sounds like you're doing great with your recipe and process! The trouble you're having with your dough shrinking when you cut it into donuts might be because you're working the dough too hard or not letting it chill out enough after rolling it
Jul 31, 2024
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It sounds like your dough is shrinking because the gluten is a bit too tense. Try letting the dough rest for about 10 minutes after rolling it out before you cut the donuts, which will help the gluten relax and prevent shrinking. Also, be gentle when rolling and cutting to avoid overworking the dough. Lastly, make sure you're using a sharp cutter and pressing straight down without twisting to keep the dough from pulling back. This should help with the shrinking issue!
Aug 15, 2024
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It sounds like you're doing a lot of things right with your donut recipe! The issue with the dough shrinking when you cut it can be pretty common, and there are a few things you might want to try:

  1. Resting Time: After you've cut out the donuts, let them rest for another 20-30 minutes before frying or baking. This second rise can help the dough relax and can prevent it from shrinking too much.
  2. Rolling Technique: Try rolling the dough a bit thicker. If the dough is too thin, it might be more prone to shrinking. Also, rolling the dough between two sheets of parchment paper can help keep it from sticking and potentially shrinking.
  3. Flour Usage: Make sure your countertop and rolling pin are well-floured, but be careful not to use too much flour as it can toughen the dough. Also, if you find the dough is sticky, you might want to lightly flour your hands as well.
  4. Temperature: Ensure that your dough isn’t too warm when you start cutting. Warm dough can be more prone to shrinking. If needed, chill the dough slightly before rolling it out.
  5. Yeast Activation: Double-check that your yeast is active. If the yeast isn’t working properly, it can affect the dough’s elasticity and texture.
I hope these tips help! Let me know if you need any more advice or if you have other questions. Happy baking!
Jul 31, 2024
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Hey there! It sounds like you’re dealing with a common issue in donut making. Shrinking dough can be frustrating, but there are a few things you might try to improve your results:

  1. Resting Time: It’s great that you’re allowing your dough to rise properly, but sometimes letting it rest too long or not long enough can cause issues. Ensure the dough is just right—doubled in size, but not over-proofed.
  2. Rolling Technique: If the dough shrinks when you roll it out, it could be due to overworking it or the gluten being too tight. Try letting the dough rest for a few minutes after rolling it out to relax the gluten before cutting. You can also roll the dough slightly thicker to compensate for shrinkage.
  3. Flour and Temperature: Make sure your countertop and rolling pin are well-floured to prevent sticking. If the dough is too warm, it might also cause it to shrink. You might want to chill the dough slightly before rolling it out to help with this issue.
  4. Cutting Technique: When cutting out the donuts, make sure you’re using a sharp cutter and pressing down firmly. If the cutter is not sharp enough or you’re twisting it as you cut, it could cause the dough to shrink.
  5. Ingredient Balance: Your recipe looks solid, but if you’re consistently having issues, it might be worth experimenting with a slight increase in flour or a reduction in sugar to see if that helps with the dough’s elasticity.
Try these tweaks and see if they help! Happy baking!

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