Pie crusts- to roll or divide??

Oct 30, 2015
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Hi, this is my first post so I'm excited to hear opinions and thoughts about my baking dillema!
I enjoy baking single serve gormet meat pies and want to step up my production a little to sell at markets.

My biggest dillema is which way is the best for making shortcrust pastry in moderate quantities....
There is the method where you get your made, chilled and rested shortcrust dough and put it through a pastry sheeter to roll it left and right a number of times until it gets to the desired thickness, and then drape it over a pallet of pie tins for their crusts, and again for their lids.
The other method is to get your shortcrust dough and put it into a dough divider to divide it into perfectly equal portions. The portions are placed in each pie tin and a press then presses the lump of dough into a pie crust.

My question is which method will give the best results?
I do have an opinion that if the secret to a brilliantly tender shortcrust is to handle it as little as possible while mixing and kneading, then I would have thought that a pastry sheeter rolling and rolling it would undo all of your careful handling previously...?
I just cant understand why pretty much all bakeries her in Australia all use the rolling pastry sheeter method? Having said that their pie crusts are never great at all really....

Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions either way would be greatly appreciated.

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