Hi,I tried making puff pastry sausage rolls tonight I’ve never made puff pastry before so I googled it .2cups of flour (strong bread flour) 1 and a bit cups of grated lard,pinch of salt and half a cup of water. I kneeled it into a smooth pastry,rolled it out made the sausage rolls then put them in the freezer for 10 mins. I pre heated the oven at gas mark 6 put diagonal slits in the top of them so the moisture could escape from the meat,brushed on egg yolk and water mixed and baked them for 15 mins..ish,although they are edible there’s no puff going on any help gratefully recieved. Thanks.
My goodness! Where on earth did you get that recipe for Puff Pastry?!?!
Firstly, lard – if used at all – should represent a small proportion of the fat which should, predominantly, be good quality (normandy-type) BUTTER;
then: you make no mention of the notorious “turns”, of which there should be at least Five, preferably Six.
If you want to see some really good explanations of the technique required, may I draw your attention to three videos made by “Retired Baker”, which can be found in a thread called
“Sponge Biscuits Misbehave” on the
“Deserts” Forum. He has posted three excellent demonstrations, respectively, on 3rd December 2022 – 6th December 2022 – 9th January 2023.
Admittedly, Retired Baker being a past master, is rather virtuosic and his nonchalance, encouraging though it is, can be a bit misleading; to ALL accounts and from personal experience, puff can be very tricky and should not be attempted in warm to hot conditions.
Hoping this helps – good luck – and looking forward to your results!