Hi! Yes - our naturopath has us avoiding sugar for our youngest to see if it helps him with some of his various food challenges. A lot of folks I know use things like Stevia and Agave syrup - but she recommended avoiding any processed sweeteners of any kind. So - I've been experimenting with dried figs, dates, and raisins for sweeteners and came up with a couple good ones.
Banana Sweet Potato Muffins - Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free - and awesome!
Makes 1-doz small muffins.
· 1 large ripe banana
· ¼ cup sweet potato puree
· 2 tbsp coconut oil
· 3 eggs
· 1 tsp vanilla extract
· 1 tsp potato starch
· ¼ cup coconut flour
· ½ cup Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free flour
· ½ tsp baking soda
· ½ tsp baking powder
· ¼ tsp finely ground sea salt
· ½ tbsp. cinnamon
· ½ tsp ground ginger
· ¼ cup soaked mejool dates, pitted and finelychopped – 5-6 dates
· Handful chopped nuts (optional)
Preheat oven to 350. Grease your muffin tins with a bit ofcoconut oil. These stick to paperliners.
Smash banana. Whip banana, sweet potato, coconut oil instand mixer. Add 3 eggs and whip for 3minutes. Add vanilla extract and potatostarch.
In a separate container, whisk flours, baking soda, bakingpowder, salt, cinnamon, and ginger together.
Slowly add your dry ingredients to your wet – do not overmix.
Gently mix in your chopped dates and nuts (if using).
Fill your muffin cups 2/3 full and bake for 20 minutes, oruntil toothpick comes out clean.