Bad throat taste, yeast problem?

Mar 31, 2022
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Hi bakers! Help needed please! I have started getting an unpleasant taste in the back of my throat/nose on my last couple of bread bakes. I've asked a couple of people and it seems not everyone can taste it, and for me it's not in every bite, but something is definately not right - it seems gassy because it disappears and then you can taste the bread. The first 20 or so bakes I did were great.
The yeast is fermipan red and it was new less than 2 months ago, I store it in an airtight container in the cupboard. Can it go off but still be active?

I know it must be the yeast as I've used 3 different flours, but I can't find any info. Help!

I've attached picture of the yeast.
Mar 31, 2022
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Thanks!, It was all recipes for bread - tried a variety. However, Since I last posted, I also changed the yeast out for new and that didn't make any difference.
Most cheap commercial breads tasted fine so Yesterday I tried a recipe with a long proof and only a tiny % of yeast and this was loads better. So it is definately the flavour of yeast that I can taste which I never used to notice.

But I think I've figured it out to be the after effects of Covid in December. I lost my taste and smell and when it came back I didn't like a regular curry we made - and it was that same acrid taste... So eventually, ive narrowed that down to coconut. If I warm some coconut oil in a pan, I can't stay in the room.

So coconut products and yeast both have the same nasty pungent taste. Very odd.

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