I named one of my art pieces after becky

May 2, 2013
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Seriously, I named one of my ACEOs after our site owner, Becky.
I do cat themed ACEOs on eBay of cats in different outfits with different occupations as part of a series of 1,000 cat art cards I'm auctioning off to help out my local Humane Society. So I name each little cat drawing and I was drawing a cat dressed as a baker in a ruffled pink apron ,holding a cupcake in her paw. Somehow that reminded me of Becky ,who is into both cats and baking.

I'm not going to spam you guys with a link to my cat art. I just thought it might amuse you guys that a tiny painting exists of a baking cat with an oven mitt, and she's named after our site owner.
Apr 29, 2013
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Sounds interesting. I would like to see it. Could you post an image?

BTW, what is an ACEO? (Animal CEO?) :)
May 2, 2013
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Sounds interesting. I would like to see it. Could you post an image?

BTW, what is an ACEO? (Animal CEO?) :)

ACEOs are Art Cards Editions and Originals. They are tiny original pieces of art the size of a baseball card. Some people have entire collections of them which they keep in baseball card albums. They can be any style, from abstract to collage. They can even be 3D but they must be the size of a trading card and fit into a clear baseball card sleeve.

I'm working on a series of 1,000 cat art cards called C.O.R.K. City of Remarkable Kitties. They'll be 1,000 cats in different outfits with different occupations that live in this fictional city together.
I'm auctioning them off on eBay and some of the final price will go to The Humane Society of Greater Miami and my leftover profit will go toward adopting 2 cats.

Here's my Becky trading card.


This one is named Zoey.


If you do a search for C.O.R.K. on eBay, all my cat art will come up.
May 13, 2013
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Great artwork! And I love how you're donating money to the Humane Society. Have you done any larger items? You have a unique style and I can see you doing very well with larger items in pet shoppes.
May 20, 2013
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Those are cute! How did you get started with this style of art?? I love the Becky one- and the attire is totally fitting. :) Thanks for sharing with us!
Mar 26, 2013
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That's brilliant, I love it! :D I have a red polka dot dress like that too!

Happy for you to share a link if you like.
May 2, 2013
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Great artwork! And I love how you're donating money to the Humane Society. Have you done any larger items? You have a unique style and I can see you doing very well with larger items in pet shoppes.

Thank you. I have done larger pieces and more complicated pieces with a lot of detail. But the ACEOs are cheaper to ship worldwide in a small photo mailer. Also with the art cards, I can complete one in hours instead of days, which is good for a single mom trying to make a buck on eBay.
It's a hot art form right now and people who collect ACEOs were asking me if I would do some, and then I got hooked.
Apr 29, 2013
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Hey, those are really nice! :)

I'm working on a series of 1,000 cat art cards called C.O.R.K. City of Remarkable Kitties. They'll be 1,000 cats in different outfits with different occupations that live in this fictional city together.

One thousand cards, that's really a whole lot. You are dedicated. C.O.R.K. sounds like the makings of a board game, or maybe a series of short stories for each cat on the cards. Maybe the cats work together in some ways and encounter each other in many different adventures. This could morph into "collections" of certain related cards based on the stories behind them. Sorry, I'm just brainstorming. I see a lot more potential for this beyond the cards. Maybe even animated stories!
Apr 29, 2013
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They can even be 3D but they must be the size of a trading card and fit into a clear baseball card sleeve.

When you say 3D, do you mean as in 3D computer graphics? I'm curious because I've done a few things with 3d graphics and ACEOs might be something I would like to get back to.
May 2, 2013
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When you say 3D, do you mean as in 3D computer graphics? I'm curious because I've done a few things with 3d graphics and ACEOs might be something I would like to get back to.

When I said 3D, I meant tangible things that stick out of the card, like wire, jewels, ribbon. Some people even add clay, leather or wax to the card.
A steampunk artist might attach small clock parts to their art card.
All those 3D things that stick out of the card's surface are okay ,as long as the art card is the size of a baseball card and fits into a baseball card plastic sleeve.
May 2, 2013
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Hey, those are really nice! :)

One thousand cards, that's really a whole lot. You are dedicated. C.O.R.K. sounds like the makings of a board game, or maybe a series of short stories for each cat on the cards. Maybe the cats work together in some ways and encounter each other in many different adventures. This could morph into "collections" of certain related cards based on the stories behind them. Sorry, I'm just brainstorming. I see a lot more potential for this beyond the cards. Maybe even animated stories!

Thank you. My 15 year old and I are working on a children's book that focuses on some of the cats and their careers.
But that could take a while since I have to draw all the illustrations and I'm working on 1,000 cat art cards right now.
May 12, 2013
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Very creative, you are very talented. You also seem very goodhearted to give your money to the humane society. Very nice, and I will be checking out your art on Ebay. Do you go to school for your Art?
May 2, 2013
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Very creative, you are very talented. You also seem very goodhearted to give your money to the humane society. Very nice, and I will be checking out your art on Ebay. Do you go to school for your Art?

I went to art college 20 years ago. These ACEO's are a bit on the simple side because there's only so much detail that you can fit on a trading card.
Plus, I'm doing 1,000 of these so I have to do enough detail but not spend all night on one card.

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