I'm developing a recipe for a thicker type of cookie and trying to sell these locally. The most famous thick cookie is probably Levain Bakery: https://www.instagram.com/levainbakery/
If you look at their cookies, they are clearly undercooked in the center: http://instagr.am/p/CALaimsHTZK/ We know it's technically not safe to eat raw cookie dough because flour and eggs can contain harmful bacteria if not heat treated to kill the bacteria. That being said, many people still eat it from what I understand.
I'm really hoping some professional bakers can shed some light on this issue for me. How big of a deal is it to serve customers undercooked cookies? There's no way a bakery like Levain can serve this for years without any complaints right? Which leads me to believe that they either 1) properly heat treat all ingredients prior to mixing OR 2) bake it until internally hot enough to kill said bacteria. Or is it possible that they just run the risk (albeit low) that their customers can get sick from eating their cookies?
I'm going for a thick cookie so I'm looking for the best practice among professionals in dealing with this issue. My instincts say that option 2 above would be the most realistic approach to this. But I wonder if potential of getting sick from undercooked cookies is extremely low that it wouldn't warrant much concern as a baker.
Thanks for the help!
If you look at their cookies, they are clearly undercooked in the center: http://instagr.am/p/CALaimsHTZK/ We know it's technically not safe to eat raw cookie dough because flour and eggs can contain harmful bacteria if not heat treated to kill the bacteria. That being said, many people still eat it from what I understand.
I'm really hoping some professional bakers can shed some light on this issue for me. How big of a deal is it to serve customers undercooked cookies? There's no way a bakery like Levain can serve this for years without any complaints right? Which leads me to believe that they either 1) properly heat treat all ingredients prior to mixing OR 2) bake it until internally hot enough to kill said bacteria. Or is it possible that they just run the risk (albeit low) that their customers can get sick from eating their cookies?
I'm going for a thick cookie so I'm looking for the best practice among professionals in dealing with this issue. My instincts say that option 2 above would be the most realistic approach to this. But I wonder if potential of getting sick from undercooked cookies is extremely low that it wouldn't warrant much concern as a baker.
Thanks for the help!