Adjusting Oven Settings for Perfect Muffins

Apr 11, 2021
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Dear all,

Recently, I have been invited to make muffins for a charity group using a professional baker’s oven. However, when I try to switch from a “home style oven” to a “professional oven” the temperature setting is just too hard to handle.

My original recipe requires the following:
1) Home Style oven -
220 Degree Celsius for first 5-6min, then
155 Degree Celsius for another 20-25 min

In the professional oven they come with Top and bottom heat, but if I start with the top heat at 220 degrees, and the bottom heat at 155 Degree.

After the first 6 min I either “turn off” the top heat or “reduce” the temperature to match the bottoms temperature.

However, the oven temperature will not drop rapidly as the home style oven would. This stops me from making the same kind of muffin that I usually make.

Can anyone please provide some guidance for me? Any comment will be very much appreciated.

Jan 12, 2020
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yeh, pro ovens don't change temps too quick do they.
2 options, use 2 ovens or 1 recipe that doesn't require 2 heat zones.
If you have to start at high temps that says the mix is a bit slack, it will melt out unless firmed up with high temp at the beginning.
Chilling the batter overnite helps eliminate this, also use frozen fruit to further stiffen the batter.

a lot of recipes are more like cup cakes with fruit, not enough body in the batter.
Apr 11, 2021
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yeh, pro ovens don't change temps too quick do they.
2 options, use 2 ovens or 1 recipe that doesn't require 2 heat zones.
If you have to start at high temps that says the mix is a bit slack, it will melt out unless firmed up with high temp at the beginning.
Chilling the batter overnite helps eliminate this, also use frozen fruit to further stiffen the batter.

a lot of recipes are more like cup cakes with fruit, not enough body in the batter.

Thanks for your help.

The reason I use the 2 temp setting is to create the kind of muffin tops that are hard on the surface but soft on the inside.

How do commercial bakers make muffin like this?

In addition, I am making muffin using artificial sweeteners (for diabetes) so I have to keep the temperature under 155degree to avoid ruining the taste.

Hope I can adjust my recipe to achieve this.
Jan 12, 2020
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Thanks for your help.

The reason I use the 2 temp setting is to create the kind of muffin tops that are hard on the surface but soft on the inside.

How do commercial bakers make muffin like this?

In addition, I am making muffin using artificial sweeteners (for diabetes) so I have to keep the temperature under 155degree to avoid ruining the taste.

Hope I can adjust my recipe to achieve this.
These days most places have gone to muffin mix , bake n joy etc.
Others buy frozen slugs, just pop them into molds and bake, they give consistent but rubbery results.

I posted a commercial formula here,
Use unsalted marg or butter , either way but be sure to chill overnite before using or it will melt all over the mold.

Last edited:
Apr 11, 2021
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These days most places have gone to muffin mix , bake n joy etc.
Others buy frozen slugs, just pop them into molds and bake, they give consistent but rubbery results.

I posted a commercial formula here,
Use unsalted marg or butter , either way but be sure to chill overnite before using or it will melt all over the mold.

Thanks very much

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