Baking videos - watch and share

Mar 26, 2013
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I watch a lot of baking videos, so I thought it might be a nice idea to have a place to share interesting videos! So if you watch something that you think others would be interested in, then feel free to share it here :)

If you're not sure how to embed videos in your post, all you need to do is copy the video URL (eg from YouTube), click on the Media button (it's two buttons to the right of the Smilies button) and paste in the URL. Then click Embed and the video will be embedded into your post.

I'll start things off! I saw this video the other day and thought it was interesting how she carved a pattern into the gingerbread before baking it - I assumed it would disappear during baking, but it looked really good! I don't have any plans to make this chest but I thought it was a clever idea:

Sep 7, 2015
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Most people use a small cake base and then build the decoration on the cake out of fondants, frostings, and cake decor accessories.

I think a cake should be a CAKE, not a bunch of sugar platformed on a tiny piece of cake. Thats not really a cake.

I taught myself how to sculpt cakes and decorate the sculpted cake with frosting.

This video shows them using fondant, but the fondant is just the covering on the cake. The whole cake is sculpted and then sealed up with the decorative fondants. I never used fondant myself, I like buttercream. It's more painstaking and takes longer than using fondant, and takes a bit more skill, but in the end, you can eat the whole most people think fondant tastes disgusting and throws that part out.

Jun 22, 2017
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Excellent idea! Video tutorials are so helpful.

Tutorial on how to write professional looking inscriptions on a cake with compound chocolate.

Mar 26, 2013
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I think a cake should be a CAKE, not a bunch of sugar platformed on a tiny piece of cake. Thats not really a cake.

Agreed. I love watching videos of carved cakes! It's not something I've tried myself, although I would like to someday. The cake looked quite solid, do you think they had frozen it first? I guess you couldn't do this with fresh, warm cake, it would just crumble to pieces.

Tutorial on how to write professional looking inscriptions on a cake with compound chocolate.

What a great idea! I'd never have thought of doing that. Certainly looks very professional and effective!
Jun 22, 2017
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@Becky, writing on cakes is not one of my skills. This technique makes it easy and a lot more professional looking than freehand. Serdar Yener has a lot of good free videos. I’ve learned several good techniques watching him.
Sep 7, 2015
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@Becky, writing on cakes is not one of my skills. This technique makes it easy and a lot more professional looking than freehand. Serdar Yener has a lot of good free videos. I’ve learned several good techniques watching him.

You know what?

My handwriting is so bad, it rivals any doctors scribble any day of the week!

But my writing on cakes........I've been told many times I have "perfect" handwriting........I just laugh.
For some reason, my writing on cakes comes out perfect every time. On paper, forget it!! LOL
Sep 7, 2015
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Agreed. I love watching videos of carved cakes! It's not something I've tried myself, although I would like to someday. The cake looked quite solid, do you think they had frozen it first? I guess you couldn't do this with fresh, warm cake, it would just crumble to pieces.

What a great idea! I'd never have thought of doing that. Certainly looks very professional and effective!

If you look on my thread about bakers' secrets............that is one of them. ALWAYS work with frozen cake, especially if you are going to be carving it. It also helps to have a firm and solid cake, much like old fashioned wedding cake, which is almost as dense as pound cake. It helps a lot.
Sep 7, 2015
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For those cake decorators that are just learning, or looking for something new to make their cakes stand out, or for even the lazy baker...........Stenciling cakes!

Stenciling is easy, very decorative, and can make a cake or pie crust or cookies look like something from a gourmets kitchen.

She uses the net fabric over the stencil so there are no runs or drips.
She puts alcohol in the dry color mixture instead of water, so the food coloring dries fast and sticks to the fondant.

Sep 7, 2015
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Along with stenciling, another super easy way to decorate cakes is stamps. No, not postage stamps, but stamps you buy or make to create images on your cake surfaces. This also works with cookies, cupcakes, and pie crusts.

As with all dessert decorating methods, there are tons of variations, so keep in mind that there are not only thousands of different types and kinds of stamps out there, there are thousands of different kinds of methods to get it done.

This woman does the cake from start to finish, and also is very inventive by using discarded food items to create stamps for her cake!!!!!

This guy uses stamped out pieces of fondant for his LV look...

Mar 26, 2013
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I really like the stencil done with Royal Icing - what a gorgeous effect! So simple yet effective. Plus that celery stamp was ingenious!! I will never look at celery in the same way again :D
Mar 26, 2013
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Anyone here watch the Binging With Babish channel on YouTube? It's done by a guy called Andrew Rea, and basically he recreates food from films / TV. Often he does the version as described, then does his own (better) version. He doesn't focus on baking, but his videos are great and well worth a watch.

I found this one interesting - it's about how to do egg in a basket, which obviously is fairly straightforward. However, he bakes the bread from scratch and - this is the interesting part - it highlights the difference between using volume to measure dry ingredients vs using weight.

Mar 26, 2013
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I saw this video at the weekend, and I love the effect. Buttercream succulents look just incredible, I'd love to have a go at this sometime!

Mar 26, 2013
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There's often a lot of questions about whipping egg whites here, and I thought this video was particularly good for illustrating the role played by egg whites and sugar in baking:

Mar 26, 2013
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May I post my own baking videos? I'm not sure if they are as good as the videos already posted but I upload a baking video at least once a month and i'd love some feedback?

I don't mind members posting their own baking videos as long as that's not the only/main reason they are here - if you are participating in the forum then I'm happy for you to post your videos :)
Mar 26, 2013
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Latest video from How to Cook That - this lady takes cake decorating to the extreme!!

Jun 22, 2017
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There's often a lot of questions about whipping egg whites here, and I thought this video was particularly good for illustrating the role played by egg whites and sugar in baking:

Oh I so agree with the timing of the sugar. I’ve become neurotic about my meringue. I whip 30-45 seconds, until foamy but translucent. Add cream of tartar. Whip about 1 min until egg whites are foamy and white. Then I very very slowly add the sugar. Then beat to firm or stiff peaks depending on the recipe.

I found dumping the sugar creates a less stable meringue with irregular air bubbles. By adding the sugar slowly, the sugar crystals are more evenly distributed and the air bubbles are very uniform.
Jun 22, 2017
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Another video from America's Test Kitchen that I thought was interesting - when to add salt:

This is good. Salting is one thing I struggle with. Most of the time I under salt as I’m afraid of making a dish too salty. But I love to add Maldon flake salt after cooking. I love the the crunch and that delicate saltiness on every thing from peas to steak. My youngest son even loves it on chocolate chunk cookies.

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