Macarons didn't rise on silicone mat

Mar 24, 2021
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Hello, I have been making macarons for about 6-9 months and have finally gotten results that I like. I was recently gifted a silicone baking mat that is made for macarons(it has a template to pipe them) I have tried 3 different batches on the mat but all of them had no feet and the macaron simply came out the cracked top. I was wondering if there is something I am doing wrong? I bake the macarons at 250 F for 20 min, I use the Italian method, I tried letting them form a skin, put them right it, and also tried it directly on the rack instead of the baking sheet. But all of these resulted in the same volcano-shaped cookies. Does anyone have any experience with this and any advice?

Jun 22, 2017
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Hello, I have been making macarons for about 6-9 months and have finally gotten results that I like. I was recently gifted a silicone baking mat that is made for macarons(it has a template to pipe them) I have tried 3 different batches on the mat but all of them had no feet and the macaron simply came out the cracked top. I was wondering if there is something I am doing wrong? I bake the macarons at 250 F for 20 min, I use the Italian method, I tried letting them form a skin, put them right it, and also tried it directly on the rack instead of the baking sheet. But all of these resulted in the same volcano-shaped cookies. Does anyone have any experience with this and any advice?


Silicone conducts heat more intensely. The only one I like is the Silpat brand. And that is the brand preferred by most pastry chefs. But the other most important aspect is your baking sheet. A plain uncoated aluminum baking sheet.

But to be honest, most of us prefer parchment sheets to mats.
Jan 12, 2020
Reaction score
Hello, I have been making macarons for about 6-9 months and have finally gotten results that I like. I was recently gifted a silicone baking mat that is made for macarons(it has a template to pipe them) I have tried 3 different batches on the mat but all of them had no feet and the macaron simply came out the cracked top. I was wondering if there is something I am doing wrong? I bake the macarons at 250 F for 20 min, I use the Italian method, I tried letting them form a skin, put them right it, and also tried it directly on the rack instead of the baking sheet. But all of these resulted in the same volcano-shaped cookies. Does anyone have any experience with this and any advice?

paper is the way to go.


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