Using specialty salts in baked goods?

Dec 20, 2015
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Does anyway one here use specialty salt in whet they're baking? I like the way pink Himalayan slat tastes in chocolate chip cookies. It's not a very noticeable flavor because the recipe on calls for 1/2 teaspoon salt but it's definitely there. I'm thinking of testing out black lava salt or maybe a smoked salt to see how well it pairs with some of the sweeter desserts I make. I also want to try making some caramel with the pink Himalayan salt.
Apr 13, 2015
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I haven't branched out into different salt varieties myself, but I have actually heard a lot of buzz here in recent years about the pink Himalayan salt being used in sweets and baking. What's the price like in comparison? I don't mind forking out money for good quality items but I'm just wondering if it's reasonable or crazily exorbitant!
Oct 2, 2015
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I use sea salt for everything. Although I'm not sure if it really holds the touted health benefits many claim it to have I still use it over regular iodized table salt.
Dec 20, 2015
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I haven't branched out into different salt varieties myself, but I have actually heard a lot of buzz here in recent years about the pink Himalayan salt being used in sweets and baking. What's the price like in comparison? I don't mind forking out money for good quality items but I'm just wondering if it's reasonable or crazily exorbitant!

I usually buy the salt when it's on sale so there's only a two dollar difference between pink Himalayan and regular sea salt for me. It honestly depends on the amount you buy. Getting a lot will obviously cost more but I also find that if you buy it in a bigger chunk as opposed to tiny rocks it'll be more expensive. I'd say try smaller and buy about a 4 dollar bottle, that way if you don't like the flavor you didn't waste a ton of money.
Aug 18, 2015
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I use sea salt for everything. Although I'm not sure if it really holds the touted health benefits many claim it to have I still use it over regular iodized table salt.

I haven't looked in a few years,but from what I read Sea Salt isn't any better than table salt,I took it as to the minerals in the Sea Salt that is suppose to be better for you,not the salt it's self,if I remember right they said that Sea Salt is so processed that if there are any health benefits in it,there gone now.of course I haven't checked it out in a long time either

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